Ideal Starting Point for Your M4 Build
Many ARs available today are patterned after the classic Colt M4 carbine that's seen use in the U.S. military for decades. However, each of these rifles aren't perfect reproductions for the military enthusiast who wants a true reproduction, so the Aero Precision Special Edition M4 Carbine Stripped Lower Receiver is a perfect starting point for a repro build. Special markings are included on each stripped lower, including authentic stampings like "Property of the USA" and "M4 CARBINE." The rifle even ships with selector-switch markings that include the "Burst" setting, so your rifle can look as close to the military issued rifle as possible. The receiver is also marked "5.56mm" and is treated with an all-black anodized finish.
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Super!! High quality and nice finish. Had just a little of problem with bolt cath not getting the bolt carrier, needs to be drilled a bit to remove metall inside, othwerwise its easy job
metall inside, othwerwise its easy job
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