Neues Konzept in Sachen Reinigung, Ordnung im Koffer.
Einfaches abwickeln der Reinigungsschnur vom Ring der gleich als Griff dient, kein einschnüren in den Handflächen mehr. Einmal durchziehen fertig, aufrollen und einpacken.
Provides an Easy Field Cleaning Kit
The Real Avid Bore Boss Shotgun Kit enables hunters and shooters in the field to keep their shotgun in top shooting and hunting condition with a compact, easy-to-use cleaning kit. The Real Avid Bore Boss Shotgun Kit features a dual-action one-piece cable that features a phosphor-bronze brush integrated into the tip with a swab that both scrapes and cleans residue from a shotgun bore. Cable length: 32 inches 10-inch braided mop Easily carried and stored The Real Avid Bore Boss Shotgun Kit comes equipped with the company's Flex-Case Handle, which provides a solid pull-through handle and a compact storage case."